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假设明天就是母亲节了 请你给母亲写一封信。表达你对她的爱

2020-10-21 10:10:01

Dear Mum, Tomorrow is Mother s Day, and now I am feeling guilty. I shouldn t be so lazy. I seldom help you do some housework. Every day you are busy doing all the housework, and I m busy with my lessons. I took it for granted. Now I ve realised that it is my duty to help you. I am no longer a child. My spare time should not only be spent in watching TV or listening to music, but also in helping you do housework. Mum, you d have done so much for me. I will say from the bottom of my heart, “Mum, I love you. Harry Mother s Day.” 答案不唯一 马上分享给同学



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