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2020-10-21 19:25:01


Rousseau, a famous philosopher, said, "life is free, and everything is in chains." Life is for freedom, but it is limited by time, law and morality. For thousands of years, countless people have been looking for freedom. What is freedom?


Fish have the freedom of fish. They can "freely" roam in their own small world, they can "freely" jump up and down, they can "freely" decide their own direction, they can "freely" across their own world, fish have the freedom of fish, fish have the joy of fish.


Petrels have the freedom of petrels. When the storm hit this side of the world, countless people fled in panic and panic, and petrel used its small body to meet the baptism of the storm, when petrel flapped its wings to attack that side of the "occupied area", petrel found its freedom. They open their wings, endure the baptism of the storm, and embrace freedom. When they look up, they win freedom.


What is our freedom? The freedom in my eyes is not to do what you want to do, but to do what you dont want to do. In the final analysis, freedom is not a "say go" travel, but in this "say go" travel there is no restriction and restriction. There is a saying called "dancing with shackles", which means that even if people are in a non free space, they can still find freedom to the maximum extent, so freedom and non freedom are relative. When you say your freedom, you will feel limited; but when you say that you are not free, you will feel free.


And in their own domain space, people are also looking for the maximum freedom. All the literati and scholars in history have played their own subjective initiative. Li Bais opening mouth is half of the Tang Dynasty, and Su Shis writing is the poetry of reason and interest. They all find freedom in the free era, and then they have a broad and profound Chinese culture. So no one can define "freedom" precisely. But in my eyes, peoples freedom is that they can choose to do what they love and dont do what they hate.


The so called freedom is carried out in the framework of non freedom. Non freedom is defined for freedom. The freedom of life is to seek freedom in the absence of freedom.



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