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2020-10-23 05:50:01



The products that are labelled with the words Made In China can be seen everywhere. These products refer to be manufactured in China and they contain both the material and cultural elements. Once these products were very popular around the world for the low price and excellent quality, but in most foreigners eyes, they treat these products with low end and low quality. With the development of Chinese economy, the government try to improve its image, so it is in need of creating our own brand. Made In China is the good choice, the government makes effort to improve the quality, so as to promote the international image.

标明 中国制造 的产品随处可见。这些产品指在中国生产,它们包含了中国的物质和文化元素。曾经这些产品在世界各地由于低价格和好的品质而非常受欢迎,但在大多数外国人的眼里,他们认为这些产品是低端和低质量的。随着中国经济的发展,政府试图改善自身形象,所以需要创建我们自己的品牌。中国制造是不错的选择,政府努力提高质量,以促进国际形象。


Made in China is a label attached to the productsmanufactured in China.Owing to the advantages ofrich labor resources and raw material resources inChina, products made in China are well received inthe world on account of their competitive price andsuperior quality. Made in China has become a recognizable label in the world today thanksto the rapid development of the manufacturing industry in China.At present, China has becomethe world s manufacturing center and is named World Workshop .Although globally a greatnumber of electronic products and shoes are made in China, all their designs are completed inEuropean and American countries.Nowadays a growing number of Chinese companies aredevoting themselves to establishing their own brands, hoping to be transformed from Made inChina into Designed in China .

中国制造 指在中国制造的商品所附的标签。由于中国有丰富的劳动力资源和原材料资源等优势,中国制造的产品物美价廉,受到世界各国的欢迎。中国的制造业迅速发展, 中国制造 已经成为一个在全球广受认可的标签。目前中国已经成为世界制造业的中心,被称为 世界工厂 。尽管全球大量的电子产品和鞋都是中国制造,但这些产品的设计都是在欧美国家完成的,如今越来越多的中国公司致力于开创自己的品牌。希望实现从 中国制造 到 中国设计 的转变。


Chinese companies want to create world brands and the foreign companies want to increase the selling in China which all change the Chinese design industry.The Chinese manufacturers realize that they have to design better products if they want to stand out in the domestic markets as well as distinguish themselves in the foreign markets.Previously,the overseas caompanies always took the products which were designed in somewhere to Chinese market,but now the foreign companies such as Sony begins to realize that the Chinese consumers become more and more fastidious and no longer easy to be satisfied.



The label Made in China is one that is becoming increasing common in shopping centers all over the world. In the United States shoppers at Wal Mart the nation s largest retailer have a wide selection of products mostly produced in China. The large amount of Chinese imports have created a large selection of goods in other countries as people begin to buy more and more products made in China. These goods are even readily available in other Asian nations where Chinese made goods are quite popular. Chinese brand names are also becoming more well known outside of China. The development of China has amazed the world with its growth. And also as China is a developing economy with large amounts of labor industries are beginning to relocate in an effort to minimize costs and increase profits. The results of these relocations are that nations are beginning to try to limit the flow of Chinese goods with the use of taxes and import restrictions. Despite this tension the effect of development on the Chinese economy has been massive. The rise of the Chinese domestic industry and the large amounts of trade with the international community have given the Chinese economy a large amount of influence. This influence will no doubt lead to even more development as China continues to expand its role in the international community.


Made in China

In the world lots of the goods are made in Chinasuch as shoesshirtsballs and so on.The customers like goods made in Chinathey think China is friendly with the worldand theytoo.

Cause the goods made in China are lack of stylesome consumer goods makers in China are starting to pay attention to brand building. The smartest are moving beyond simple product ads to marketing an entire lifestyle.

Nowgoods made in China are so popularand as Beijing will hold Olympic Games in 2008I believe goods made in China will be admitted by more and more customers and countries.




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