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在未来 汉语的使用会更广泛 英语作文写汉语的重要性 学习汉语优点 汉语发展就可

2020-10-23 06:50:01

1,在未来,汉语可能是外国的重要学科,而我们中国人,更要学好汉语.跟别人交谈的时候,别人用汉语说的是淋漓尽致,而自己身在中国,却汉语都不会,哪有脸面面对自己的祖国.说不定人家外国人,把我们中国的汉语运用几乎是举一反三的境界.学会汉语,可以说无论在中国的那一个地方都不会走丢.这就是学会汉语的好处!那些汉语我们一定要推广,推广到全世界,让全世界都认识汉语.In the future, Chinese may be an important foreign subjects, and we Chinese people, but also to learn Chinese. When talking with others, others say is most vividly in Chinese, while they themselves are in China, but Chinese are not, how can there be face to face their own country. Perhaps others foreigners, the use of our Chinese language in China is almost realm of replication. Learn Chinese, it can be said that regardless of a place in China, will not wandered off. This is the Institute of the Chinese language benefits! Those Chinese we must promote, promote to the world, let the world understand Chinese language.

在未来 汉语的使用会更广泛 英语作文写汉语的重要性 学习汉语优点 汉语发展就可以了 初三的水平



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