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我现在急求一篇英语作文 作文要 叙述一段自己所经历的重要事件 也就是难忘的经历.

2020-10-23 09:50:01



1 An unforgettable exam So many exams have I experienced that I forget most of them right now.But there is one exam that I would never forget.That was an English examination among the series of final term exams.When I arrived at the school gate there were lots of stduents waiting for the exams.But I didnt know that those pupils were all on the lower grade and the exam for me had just started.I kept waiting with thoses students for about thirty minutes till I found there was somthing wrong.I hurried to the teaching buiding and went into the classroom only to find that the listening text had just finished.I was hopeless at that time.Well that was my unforgettable exam.2 An Unforgettable TestLast Sunday,I took the GRE.It was the longest test I had ever taken.I entered the examination room at eight o’clock and did not come out until twelve.For the first hour I sat there waiting anxiously for the proctor to give out the paper.Then the exam officially began.I saw nothing but the test paper.How time flew.I did one section after another.The test was over without my knowing it.Earlier I had taken many teats,yet at no test did I feel time so limited as this one.Usually there is plenty of time for me to go over what I have written when I finish the test.I would sit there waiting restlessly for the test to be over.But this time,it took me over twenty minutes to have finished the two sections on math at a much slower speed than usual.God bless me.I wish I had been careful enough this time.At noon,someone came over to talk with me about the test,which put me in doubt of whether or not I had put the number of my test certificate right on the answer sheet.I was sure I fined in the number,but I did not remember whether or not I had circled the corresponding number under it.Howevet,maybe all of My efforts are not made in vain.It would be terrible if I got no grades after working so hard.难忘的考试上星期天,我参加了GRE考试.这次考试是我考得最久的一次.8点钟进考场,一直到12点多才出来,刚开始1个小时,我急不可耐地坐等发卷子.正式开考后,只觉得时间飞逝.哗一下,一部分做完了;哗,又另一部分做完了,于不知不觉之间中考完了试.以前,从没有哪次考试像这次一样时间扣得如此的紧.通常,我都是较快做完,并用大量时间复查,坐在那儿等时间过去,等得很着急.这次考试,仅数学的两个部分,我就花了20多分钟,大大慢于平时练习的速度.老天保佑,但愿我这次够细心!今天中午,来了个人与我聊起考试的事情,结果使我怀疑起我是否把准考证号码正确地填在答题纸上.填肯定是填过的,可是我记不清是否划过圈了.真糟糕!别辛苦了一场,连成绩都没有,那就惨了

我现在急求一篇英语作文 作文要 叙述一段自己所经历的重要事件 也就是难忘的经历.要以自己的角度写 字数在100字就行 要



含羞草作文 柚子 作文 写景作文600 三年级作文200字 我是谁 作文 有趣的事作文 作文 泪 在一起作文 黄山作文 等待 作文 奉献 作文 回家作文 读后感 作文 作文五百字 有那样一抹色彩作文600字 优秀作文800字高中 我为家乡代言作文 阳光 作文 离别 作文 那一次我真的很棒作文600字 书香伴我成长作文600字 什么的滋味作文600字 在路上作文600字初三 以艺术为话题的作文 一件开心的事作文400字 难忘的春节作文400字 风景在路上作文600字 传承中国传统文化作文 推荐一本好书作文500 开学计划作文600字