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求一份《如果有一天我失去了自由 我.》的英语作文及翻译

2020-10-24 21:30:01

If there is one day ...f there is one day I have dispeared from your worldWould you cry as you lost yourself If there is one day I have dispeared from your worldWould you wander on the streets to find me If there is one day I have dispeared from your worldWould you trace a view of a simile back only to comfirm if its me If there is one day I have dispeared from your worldWould you go every where we had been to pick up all the memories we had?If there is one day I have dispeared from your worldWould you remember me all your life like the TV shows?I think you wont.Because im not the most important one in your life.And also im not the indispensable one.果有一天 我从你的世界消失了 你会痛哭流涕 就像迷失了自己吗如果有一天 我从你的世界消失了 你会发了疯似的跑遍大街小巷来寻找我吗如果有一天 我从你的世界消失了 你会紧跟着与我相似的背影 只为确认那是不是我吗如果有一天 我从你的世界消失了 你会走遍我们曾经去过的角落拾起那曾经属於我们的记忆吗如果有一天 我从你的世界消失了 你会像电视裏演的那样记着我一辈子吗因为我不是你心目中最重要的一个 也不是你不可缺少的一个



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