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我的生日英语作文3年级 5 6句话就可以了要带翻译的

2020-10-25 00:55:01


我的生日英语作文3年级 5 6句话就可以了要带翻译的 ****** i have a nice house.there are many books in my house. i can read in my house every morning.i can have a rest in my house when i am tired after playing football.i can also play computer in my house.there are toys,basketball and all kinds of story ...

五年级下册英语作文,MY birthday.写五六句话 ****** Yesterday was April 12th. It was my birthday. I had a party. I ate too much. My sister brought a carton of ice cream. My bother brought some candy. My friend s Tom brought a lot of cookies. My mom made a cake. My dad bought a toy car for me. I was very happy. At the party we sang and danced. We had a good time.

英语五年级作文“我的生日聚会”5句话 ****** It s my birthday today. I m very glad to invite my good friends to have dinner at home. There is a big birthdaycake on the table, and eleven candles on it. And there are also many other delicious food:chocolates , fruit , fish ,beef, shrimp and vegitables. ...

五年级下册英语作文,MY .写五六句话我的生日要9月.22日.的 ****** my birthday my birthday is 1stseptember .at that day,my mother bought me a big birthday cake and cooked many delicious foods.i invent my friends to my party.after had a meal ,we sang songs and played games.in the afternoon,we went to the park ...

英语作文关于生日的五句话六年级帮忙写上中文. ****** My Birthday Yesterday was my birthday. I had a lot of fun with my family and friends. I got up early to take a walk with my friends .Because I wanted to enjoy the first morning in my 16th year. During the walk I talked happily with my friends about the past...

五年级英语作文你最好同学的生日到了,你会做什么,5~6句话****** It was my classmate s birthday last Friday.He invited some of his classmates and me to his birthday party.I bought a book as 当作 a gift and took the subway to his home.It was 5:30 pm when I got there.Jack was very happy and he liked the gift ...

一篇以《我的生日礼物》为题的英语作文,五六句话就行,内容包含礼物是谁送的,礼物是什么东西,它是什么 ****** 您好:The most impressive birthday gift that i have ever received is sent by my father of a collection of William Shakespear s works.Since I m majored in Enlgish,this set of books means a lot to me.Mr.Shakespear is one of the greatest play writters in...

我的生日 英语作文六句话就行 ****** My birthday is on ......... On this day ,I can enjoy many things. Example:eating cake,playing games, listening muisc, dancingand so on. By the way,you shoud give your mother some flowers.Many years ago,she gives you the life,she is so good.Your birthday is your mother`s day,too.

my birthday英语作文 至少5句话 ****** today is fool s day and it s also my birthday. my name is sam. i m 11 years old. in my past birthday party, mother usually bought some interesting books for me and my father usually bought a pair of beautiful shoes for me. i love my gifts.my friends are ...

a happy day 英语作文 5年级 5句话 过生日****** Today is my Birthday. I am ten years old. My class have a Birthday party for me. My friends give me many gifts. My parents gave me a new toy. Today is a very happy day for me.请采纳谢谢

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  1. 2022-09-27 16:42梦sun[河北省网友]IP:2056297077
  2. 2021-03-24 08:34夜的寂静[河北省网友]IP:3397382090


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