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2020-10-25 03:30:01

七年级仁爱英语下册unit6作文写作问答 归教作文网作者 : xiangzi 分类 : 知识问答 更新时间:2020 03 29 16:52:51仁爱英语七年级下册unit6toplc1的 翻译owards her, and the first aeri the Ariel, after the f

仁爱英语七年级下册unit6 toplc3 sectionA讲解

七年级新湘版(下册)Unit 6 Topic 3 Section A学案学习内容① 学习新单词② 复习介词短语③ 复习祈使句④ 学习问路与指路用语学习要求① 必会主要生词和短语 on the right/left, turn left/right, across the bridge, across from, on the corner of, between… and…, the way to…, go up, go along, along on the left,② 必会主要句型 Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Excuse me, how can I get to the bookstore? Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? Go up this street to the end. Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the first street. Go across the bridge. It’s about one hundred meters along on the right. The bookstore is across from the school. There is a park between the bank and the restaurant. The library is on the corner of Xinhua street and Zhongshan Road.本节课的学习要点及考点①问路表达法 Where is the …?询问某个地点在哪?Example: Where is the bank? 银行在哪儿? Is there … near here? 附近有…...吗?Example: Is there a post office near here? How can I get to …? 我如何才能到达…?Example: How can I get to the bookstore? Which is the way to …? 哪一条是去…的路?Example: Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office?②指路表达法 Go up/down this street to the end. 沿着这条街道走,一直到尽头。 Go along Xinhua Street. 沿着新华街走。 Turn right/left at the first street. 在第一个路口向右/左转. It’s about one hundred meters along on the right. 在右前方大约有100米远。 You will/can see/find … on your right. 在你的右边, …你会看见/找到…③ Which is the way to the post office? the way to…去…的路; on the way to …在去…的路上 on the way to school在去上学的路上, the way to the hospital在去医院的路上on the way home在回家的路上注意此时不带to④ The bookstore is across from the school. across from 在…的对面⑤ There is a park between the bank and the restaurant. between… and …在…与…之间(必须是两者)⑥ The library is on the corner of Xinhua street and Zhongshan Road. on the corner of 在街道的拐角处⑦ Thank you all the same.仍然要谢谢你。学习过程一 课前预习①课前预习课本P41—42②课前预习 同步练习与测试Unit 6 Topic 3 Section A练习 二 提高拓展的练习单项选择:1. –Excuse me. Can you tell me the way the bank? Sorry, I don’t know.A. at B. with C. for D. to2. right at the second street and you will find the library.A. Truns B. To turn C. Turn D. Turning3. Go this first street to the end, you’ll find it.A. up B. on C. in D. at4. Could you tell me to the classroom building?A. how B. how to get C. which way D. how get5. He usually the bus to go to work.A. rides B. takes C. goes D. byAnswers: 1 5 DCABB根据句意和首字母提示 全单词。1. Look! There is a big b over the river.2. –How far is it from your home to school? It’s about five hundred m .3. If you want to get there, you must go a the bridge.4. –Is there a restaurant near here? Yes, Go up this street to the end t left at the second street.5. Go a Zhong Hua Road with you see a hospital. The bank is next to it.Answers: 1. bridge 2. meters 3. across 4. turn 5. along三课后复习① 复习课本P41—42. ② 完成 同步练习与测试Unit 6 Topic 3 Section A练习四自学问题记录:

仁爱版英语八年级下册UNIT6 topic3 sectionC的课文翻译

在世界上自行车是最重要的交通工具之一,在每个国家,人们用自行车去上班、运动或仅仅只是为了娱乐 骑自行车是一个很好的运动。它可以帮助人们变得健康。骑自行车可以使骑自行车的人的心肺功能变得更好。它也对环境有好处,因为骑自行车不会引起污染 自行车和汽车卡车共同在一个道路上形式,司机一般不会在意自行车。所以骑自行车的人必须注意身边的车和信号。他们必须知道和遵守交通规则。他们必须带头盔保护他们的头。当在晚上骑车的时候,他们必须穿浅色的衣服和给车装上灯和反光玻璃



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