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2020-10-25 22:20:01




The diagram shows the life cycle of silkworms and the process ofmaking silk cloth.

The life cycle is divided into several particular developingstages. It starts when a moth produces her eggs on the mulberryleaves. After ten days the eggs grow into silkworm larva, whosefoods are the mulberry leaf. The second stage ends. In thefollowing four to six weeks, the larva will generate silk threatswhich cover the larva. This is the third stage. The fourth stagelasts for three or eight days during which cocoon is formed. 16days after the formation of the cocoon, a moth finally comes out ofthe cocoon. A new cycle starts.

The production of the silk cloth consists of numerous steps. Thefirst is to select cocoons, which then are heated in boiled water.After the heat treatment, the cocoon is ready to be decomposed intothreads ranging from 300 to 900 meters in length. The second is totwist the thread together. To dye is the third. After this process,silk cloth is woven.


The two bar charts not only show the number of marriages anddivorces in the USA between 1970 and 2000, but also illustrate themarital status of the Americans.

According to the first bar chart, within the thirty years, thenumber of marriages was always larger than that of divorces. From1970 to 1980, the number of marriages remained unchanged 2.5million. But 1990 saw a decline. In the following decade, thetrend continued, dropping to the nadir of 2 million. Noticeably,the highest divorce rate was in 1980, when about 1.4 milliondivorces attracted the attention. In comparison, 1970 witnessedonly 1 million, equal to that in 2000. By contrast, 1990 saw1.2million.

The second bar chart indicates that in 1970 about 70% Americansmarried, but in 2000 the figure was 59%. The percentage of divorcedand never married increased from 3% to 7% and 12% to 20%respectively.

In sum, the marital status from 1970 to 2000 were complex.

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  1. 2022-08-30 11:20志展宏图[内蒙古网友]IP:3407924330
    @EAGLE 2.好久没见到有关蚕茧和制丝内容了这篇文章转载很及可以让更多人了解这个话题。
  2. 2021-01-16 04:45EAGLE[湖北省网友]IP:762982256


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