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英语作文带翻译 寒假里一次有意义的经历

2020-10-26 15:35:02

A happy and short winter quietly slip away from us, we have ushered in a new semester, occurred in the winter vacation fun like the stars in the sky, beyond count, my heart can not be denied a piece of the past. All the stars are shining, everything everything imprint is engraved on my heart. The four cousins have a party, before winter vacation, we gather together, happy and happy, happy to play. Along with the growth of the age, the game every year to upgrade, this is not, this also happened to learn to play badminton. In order to prove whos more advanced skills, we decided to hold an open up a fresh outlook badminton in Grandpas yard knockout, in order to make the game fair notarization, we invited two be just and stern judge grandpa and grandma. In order to play fair, we used the "stone, scissors, cloth". It is "good luck" first by my brother and I play, I have confidence, believe in yourself will when champion. A beginning, I resorted to use all ones skill to elder brother. And the elder brother also to be eager for a fight, confidence hundredfold. However, my ball for a while to the west, while to the East, the drift of the ball, make brother confused and disoriented, terribly fatigued, and finally abandon pat surrender, I cant help but get dizzy with success. The second round began, I just immersed in the joy of. And demonstrated his cousin had caught my strategy, can be an easy job to return the ball every time, even violent fight, smash, this is my turn to be kept constantly on the run, and brother aside booing, this is really "add fuel to the flames", let me anxious, behind a few ball is bad, because the end off the ball too much and be eliminated. I pity the champion dream is only flower briefly as the broad leaved epiphyllum, "Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, the". Self described "ball God" turn the cousin play, only they get together, war thirty rounds. Finally "hardened" cousin be a stroke above, become the leader of the four of us. Looking for grandpa grandma cousin won praise and expression of the beam with joy, my heart can only admire her strength. The more firm will humble. Modesty helps one to make progress, conceit makes one lag behind the old, it is the eternal truth can never do wrong, I must always bear in mind, motivate themselves to keep ahead, this is really a meaningful winter ah!原文:一个快乐而短暂的寒假悄悄地从我们的身边溜走,我们又迎来了一个新的学期,发生在寒假的趣事就像天空中的星星,数不胜数,是我心头不可抹杀的一件件往事。每一颗星星都闪闪发亮,每一件往事都刻骨铭心。四个表兄妹好久没有聚会了,趁着寒假,我们又聚在一起,开心地欢乐,开心的玩耍。随着年龄的增长,我们的游戏也逐年升级,这不,今年又不约而同地学起了打羽毛球。为了检验谁的球技更高一筹,我们决定在外公的院子里举行一场别开生面的羽毛球淘汰赛,为了使比赛公平公证,我们请来两位铁面无私的裁判——外公和外婆。为了公平对决,我们动用了“石头、剪子、布”。真是“好运当头”第一场由我和哥哥打,我信心十足,坚信自己一定能当擂主。一开场,我对哥哥使出浑身解数。而哥哥也摩拳擦掌,自信百倍。岂料,我的球一会儿向西,一会儿向东,飘忽不定的球,搞得哥哥晕头转向,疲惫不堪,终于弃拍投降,我不由得得意忘形。第二回合开始了,我还沉浸在刚才的喜悦中。而身手不凡的表姐早已识破了我的战略,每次都能轻而易举回球,甚至是猛烈地还击、扣杀,这下轮到我疲于奔命,而哥哥又在一旁喝倒彩,这真是“火上浇油”,让我心急如焚,后面几个球回得更是糟糕,终因掉球太多而被淘汰。可怜我这个擂主梦是昙花一现,只能是“关羽失荆州 骄兵必败”。轮到自诩“球神”的表哥上场了,也只有他俩才有得拼,大战三十几个回合。终于还是“久经沙场”的表姐略胜一筹,成为我们四人中的佼佼者。望着表姐因赢得外公外婆的夸奖而眉飞色舞的表情,我内心只能佩服她的实力。更坚定以后一定得谦虚。谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后的古训,真是永远错不了千古真理,我要时刻铭记在心,激励自己不断进取,这真是寒假中有意义的一件事啊!



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