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一次有趣的经历 英语作文 300词

2020-10-26 15:35:02

一次有趣的经历 英语作文 300词 初中作文 1700字


An Impressive Experience

I still remember that day in summer when I was a junior two student. I went to Guangzhou Changlong Underwater World where I went scuba diving for the first time. It was really an unusual experience.

It was a torrid summer day .Cant resisting the temptation of the cold pool water, I decided to make a try to scuba diving. The first thing to do is learning to wear the special diving suit. It was so tight that it took me a long time to finish it. I almost cant breathe in the beginning when compressed by the elastic suit .Then I wore the diving mask and flippers and succeeded in taking an oxygen bottle on my back with the help of the coach.

After that it was time to enter the water. I walked to the pool side slowly with the heavy on my back .After being arranged a guide with me, we went along the steps hand in hand until the water was over the top of our heads. When we totally entered the pool, it seemed a little difficult for me to keep sinking. I tried to jump in the water to make me sink but I failed and it was really clumsy. There is no denying that I became more nervous so I had to be pulled by the guide. For a while we had dived into the depths of the pool. All kinds of fishes and plants were around us. I was pretty amazing and couldnt wait to approach them. I let go of the guides hand gently to reach them. Because of the behavior I gradually felt at ease. I swayed my body by myself freely in the water. At last I even rose to the surface by myself.

Though it was just a brief experience, it wasnt as simple as seems. I really felt excited but also exhausted. Im looking forward to journey to the bottom of the wonder world next time.


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