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英语作文A Meaningful Thing 一件有意义的事

2020-10-26 15:35:02

A Meaningful Thing 一件有意义的事 I ll say bye to my junior school life. During the four years many things happened to me. But there is one thing that I ll never forget. One afternoon, I was leaving school when it began to rain. I saw my new classmate walking slowly in front of me. He didn t have an umbrella with him, and he was wet all over. I went up to him and held the umbrella for him. Soon we get to his house. He was very thankful and said, It s very kind of you. With a smile, I said bye to him and went away happily. From then on we became good friends and I got a lot from him. From the experience I learn that helping others is helping ourselves. Everyone in the world needs help and everyone can offer help to others who are in trouble.



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