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2020-10-26 15:35:02

My family winter holiday is not so colorful, but it is warmful.In winter holiday, all the members got together. We chatted, with grandma and mom busy in the kitchen. When it comes to lunch, we were very happy at table. I go to Hongkong this winter holiday, the scerery of there is very beatuiful, anywhere is brimming with New Years air. The Disneyland was certainly I most likes, the cartoon of there is acted by really person, its very loveliness! The Tedbud Square of Hongkong is a luminescent spot, although it is a quite small square, it is very characteristic. This winter holiday I have been is very happy! Although its winter, I can feel the sense the warmth everywhere! 希望有帮助哦,虽然不是我写的,但是我看过一遍了,基本上没有差错参考资料:从这个网址



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