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求翻译南非世界杯的英语作文!南非是一个很大的国家 气候宜人 风景美丽 适合人们居

2020-10-26 15:40:03

South Africa is a large country with a pleasant climate,beautiful scenery for people to live in.I really like this country.4 the annual World Cup coming to this World Cup in South Africa.This is the world of football fans an exciting moment.Although the world has come to an end,but the fans enthusiasm is still rising.My favorite team is the Argentine,my favorite star Messi,he is 23 years old he was Argentinas famous football player,currently a Barcelona striker and Argentine player,he was regarded as the "new Diego Maradona".He won the world player of the year 2009,2009 Golden Globe Awards and honors.Though the Chinese have not been able to participate in the World Cup.But many things are made in China,for example,the flag football binoculars.I also hope that one day the World Cup to be held in China,the Chinese soccer team is also able to attend the World Cup so that Chinas fans also can win you will be able to watch the World Cup events.I hope that my desire to achieve

求翻译南非世界杯的英语作文!南非是一个很大的国家 气候宜人 风景美丽 适合人们居住.我非常喜欢这个国家.4年一度的世界杯来临了 本次世界杯足球赛在南非举行.这对于全世界的足球球迷们来说都是一个激动人心的时刻.虽然世界杯已将告一段落 但球迷的热情依然高涨.我最喜欢的球队是阿根廷 我最喜欢的球星是梅西 他今年23岁 他是阿根廷著名足球运动员 现为巴塞罗那的前锋球员以及阿根廷的国脚 他被大众称为“新马拉多纳”.他曾获得2009年世界足球先生 2009年金球奖等奖项荣誉之称.虽然这次中国这次没有能参加世界杯.但是很多东西都产于中国 例如足球 国旗 望远镜等东西.我也希望有朝一日世界杯能在中国举办 中国足球队也能参加世界杯 这样中国的球迷也能可以不出国门就能观看到世界杯的精彩赛事.希望我的愿望能实现



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