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2020-10-26 15:50:01

童年经历的英语作文 童年经历的英语作文 童年经历的英语作文 2016 09 29 浏览:分享人:叶枝鹏手机版 下面是小编为大家整理的童年经历的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读参考,可以借鉴的哈。 In the colorful world, is happy childhood, childhood is mowgli, childhood is... Everyone has their own childhood, my childhood is naive. When I was six, I went to my grandmothers house, that yes I naive. Listening to the adults said, on a plane can roam in blue sky, live. So, I think all day to fly, and one day, I sat a small bench, see a few chickens climb come up to the balcony, and want to take them out and went downstairs. So I will learn to the grandmother, the way a wave, a shout: go to go to! Behold, the chicken did not listen to my words, good scurrying about everywhere. Suddenly, a chicken from the balcony jumped down and I was frightened, and looked down and saw a chicken wings, he flopped about safety landing....... I look for, surprise of call way chicken fly, chicken fly! Fly, fly chicken chicken! I like discovered the new continent, loudly rang way. From then on, I will know what is fly chicken mean, know the meaning, I will plan a fly chicken do. One afternoon, the grandmother went for a walk. I secretly slipped into the chicken tents, took a fancy to a terrible rooster, think it is right. The only big rooster as expected to catastrophizing, a rampant. I am very not easy to catch the chicken, and go to him a sit, chicken early struggle hard, a bellow, then move. The grandmother heard chicken, and immediately called back, asked me the way it is. I as if nothing has occurredly said: I want to do fly chicken. The grandmother heard, first one leng, and then laughed. But I still make the plane? In the south: YaoXiaoYu primary school grade five In the colorful world, is happy childhood, childhood is mowgli, childhood is... Everyone has their own childhood, my childhood is naive. When I was six, I went to my grandmothers house, that yes I naive. Listening to the adults said, on a plane can roam in blue sky, live. So, I think all day to fly, and one day, I sat a small bench, see a few chickens climb come up to the balcony, and want to take them out and went downstairs. So I will learn to the grandmother, the way a wave, a shout: go to go to! Behold, the chicken did not listen to my words, good scurrying about everywhere. Suddenly, a chicken from the balcony jumped down and I was frightened, and looked down and saw a chicken wings, he flopped about safety landing....... I look for, surprise of call way chicken fly, chicken fly! Fly, fly chicken chicken! I like discovered the new continent, loudly rang way. From then on, I will know what is fly chicken mean, know the meaning, I will plan a fly chicken do. One afternoon, the grandmother went for a walk. I secretly slipped into the chicken tents, took a fancy to a terrible rooster, think it is right. The only big rooster as expected to catastrophizing, a rampant. I am very not easy to catch the chicken, and go to him a sit, chicken early struggle hard, a bellow, then move. The grandmother heard chicken, and immediately called back, asked me the way it is. I as if nothing has occurredly said: I want to do fly chicken. The grandmother heard, first one leng, and then laughed. But I still make the plane? In the south: YaoXiaoYu primary school grade five



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