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我的暑假英语作文100字 暑假英语作文

2020-10-26 22:50:02

我的暑假英语作文100字,暑假英语作文 搜索


2016 06 27 已经接近尾声。里我过得既紧张又轻松。不知道什么时候才能再一次度过我的暑假生活。暑假暑假栏目为您准备了五篇《我的暑假英语作文100字》。


Summer vacation, I told mom and dad went to the grange. Dad after work, I often took me to the woods to catch cicada, I feel very interesting, my father told me a lot about the knowledge of the cicada, I know the cicadas are pests, it specially use SAP, large and small branches of the die. Sometimes I will go to my mothers office computer with my mother, now I have learned to type and painting. This summer vacation I really happy, I learned a lot of knowledge, my mood is like flying in the sky.


How time flies, the twinkling of an eye a summer vacation is over.

In this summer vacation I do a lot of things, like swimming, my grandfather took me to the nine light city to go swimming, I would have learned how to swim, but havent swim back for a long time, my grandfather took me to swim, to practice. Grandpa to painting and help me to quote the hard pen calligraphy class, and I can put the word practice more beautiful, beautiful. In July I also help my grandma do the green bean soup, green bean soup inside to put green beans, rice, kumquat, jujube, etc. I know how to make green bean soup tastes good. Put the materials into the bowl, then pour water and sugar, stick a few drops of peppermint essence with chopsticks.

Do you like this summer vacation?


So many things happened in this summer vacation. Contains the happiness, anger, sorrow and joy... Now, all I have experienced.

I am a do anything very careless, I have tried to give my careless fault to the outside of the cloud nine, but I dont like it "to" abandon.


Every day I have colorful, every day is different, sometimes I own fitness gym area, sometimes I go under the bridge, the wife of the husbands family to play, play sometimes pick some flowers.

Makes me unforgettable is a bird, its the dad for me, and I have seen this bird is very lovely, it released, there is a small fish, his body in a modest and so on, is yellow in the domestic it but its scales is black, my father said: "is the environment is not good will it go free." We all agree, I will release him.

This is my summer vacation, what about you! All say.出国留学网 liuxue86.com


Twinkling of an eye, my summer vacation is drawing to a close. Summer vacation I had a nervous and easily.

Tension is I want to do more than two hours of every day summer vacation homework and play the piano for two hours, I was too tired to bed! However, after I finish my homework, such as mother will allow me to see wonderful animation, after dinner to the community in the square to play, I can sometimes our whole family will go to exercise.


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