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一篇《20年后的我》英语作文 60字左右作业帮

2020-10-28 06:45:01

I am 29 years old this year,my job is to fight against the virus.One morning,I just came to the laboratory to sit down,listen to my assistant Xiao Qing said:"Captain,there is a need to destroy the virus we now.This is the information." I took a look at the data,know that the virus called the "child",it spreads through the air,vomiting blood to people after 180 minutes,the excessive loss of blood will die.Infected people in the incubation period of 180 minutes,once the breath,put the virus spread in the air,who smoked who wasinfectious.I see,while the material down the side said:"really bad,we hurry to work,first to the patients that have a look."We took the medical box on the aircraft,"shouts" aircraft flew away,and after two or three seconds to medical treatment.I and assistant Xiao Qing put on a layer ofpermeable filter masks and surgical gloves off the aircraft,hurried to a ward,thedoor of the nurse told us a ward patients were carried away.I frowned andasked:"how to return a responsibility?" The nurse replied:"the patient has died,the body may have." I asked:"how to rob already?" She said:"rotten.""Rotting corpses where?" I asked anxiously.She said:"I go with you." Well reach the autopsy room,Im staring decomposed body,suddenly,I found a problem,"how can here have small bubble?Put playing the empty bottle." Xiao Qingquickly open the medical case,handed me out "play the empty bottle".I carefully put "open cover spring empty bottles",mouth on rotting corpses,small bubblesimmediately went to the "play the empty bottle",then I put the "play the empty bottle" mouth upward,it immediately and automatically close the lid.Then I and Xiao Qing sit aircraft back to the lab.I went back to the lab for a look,small bubble is broken.I use the X ray gas observation in the bottle,find that there is a transparent foam.I think:this "child" virus is strong?So I put the "green wave"the drugs are injected into the transparent colorless foam,after a while,the transparent colorless foam are resolved.I am pleased to think:its toxicity is not strong,but weak physical talent will be infected.But should also be careful.Suddenly,I remembered what is colorless and transparent?Then,in the next to the small clear say:"Captain,the dinner,I ask you to eat seafood!" I suddenly realize that the scallop blood is colorless and transparent?I told Xiao Qing said:"TV you first notice,told people to stay away from scallop,sit aircraft going to the beach," Paul film bag installed some scallops back.After a few minutes,Xiao Qing came back,and I let her take the mouse,then I quickly with a syringe toblood input mice scallop,8 minutes later,the mice kept hematemesis.I was very happy,this "small case" will come to an end,because I think:Scallop whynothing?Must it has antibody,body then I for small clear say:"you quickly from the body antibody scallop extract serum,processed into the patient a lot." Small clear say:"do it right."Really happy,this "small case" finally came to an end.



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