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2020-10-28 06:45:01

二十年后的家乡面貌已焕然一新。展现在我面前的是一排排独具风格的别墅区和高耸的摩天大楼。这一尘不染的路面,茂盛的树木,都使我感到新奇。那一座座纵横交错的立交桥、高架桥拔地而起。汽车都是电动的,不需要再加汽油,只要装上特制的电池就能高速行驶。电动汽车安全无污染,噪音也非常低,而且速度要比汽油车的速度快两倍。那四通八达的地铁,使人们的出行更加方便了。再看看马路两旁的“清洁树” ,它们能把空气中的灰尘净化掉,变成清新的空气。我漫步在人行道上,就像吃了一块薄荷糖一样舒服。看着这一切,激动之情难以言表。 Twenty years after the appearance of the home has a new look. Displayed in front of me is the unique rows of the villa area and high rise skyscrapers. This spotless road, lush trees, I am new.That criss cross the overpass, viaduct from where they stand. Are the electric car, and do not need to add gasoline, as long as the installation of the battery can be tailor made high speed. Non polluting electric vehicle safety, noise is also very low, and gasoline faster than twice as fast as the speed of vehicles. It links the subway so that people can travel more convenient. Look at the road on both sides of the "clean tree", which can purify the air of dust out into fresh air. I walk on the sidewalk, just like eating a piece of uncomfortable, like mints. Seeing all this, the excitement unspeakable.



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