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求一篇200字的大学英语作文 LetterHome” 一封家书.

2020-10-28 08:25:02

一封家书 A Letter HomeDecember 11, 2014 My Dear Mother and Father, This term will be over soon. In the previous letter, I said that I would return home as soon as the vocation began. But now, Im very sorry to say that something unexpected has changed my plan. In order to let students know society better, our university has arranged social practice for us. It is a very good chance and I really appreciate it. We have been notified that we are going to a village. So this makes it impossible for me to return home to spend the holidays with you. Oh, dear mother and father, please be at ease. I can look after myself and take advantage of this chance to enrich my knowledge and try my best to help the villagers. I am missing you very much. I hope you will have a good time without me. I wish you good health! X X X



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