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2020-10-28 09:05:01

感谢父母的英语作文 50 词导语:在世界上,只有父母为我们付出的是最多的,只 有他们给我们的爱是最无私最有价值的。而我们需要对他们 进行感恩。下面是 yjbs 作文网小编为您收集整理的英语作 文,希望对您有所帮助。 We live in an age of happiness, in this age, parents give us the most. First of all, the parents gave us life, and put up and raised us, for us to learn, give us warm. How we will use the actual action to return our parents? When parents tired, to a sweet greetings: "dad, mom, you hard, dont too tired." Then, pass a cup of hot tea fragrance 4 excessive, warm parents tired heart; When the parents are very busy, take the initiative to reach out and do something useful, share a little bit heavy burden to the parents, let parents worry; When parents forget his birthday, timely offer a small wish, the abundance of a table birthday dinner, send a sincere blessing. In addition, we should be more open minded, studious, diligent, the best parents favor, with very good grades to reduce the parents worry, noble quality win parents with a healthy body. "The trees may prefer calm but the wind will not subside, son, but kiss is not a". Yes, do a little more filial piety while parents alive, do a little more obligations and responsibilities, let oneself do not regret it, is always irreparable regret. With a grateful heart return their parents, it is an unshirkable responsibility, this is a sacred mission. Lets learn to share, learn to be grateful. Thanksgiving parents, starts from me, start from every little bit, start from now, action! Dear classmates! 我们生活在一个快乐的时代,在这个时代里,父母给予 我们的最多。首先,父母给了我们生命,又含辛茹苦地把我 们抚养成人,供我们学习,给我们温暖。 我们将用怎样的实际行动来回敬我们的父母呢? 当父母疲惫不堪的时候,为他们送上一句甜甜的问候: “爸爸,妈妈,你们辛苦了,别太累了。 ”然后,递上一杯 清香四溢的热茶,暖暖父母疲惫的心;当父母忙得不可开交 的时候,主动伸出双手,做一些力所能及的事情,给父母分 担一点点重担,让父母省省心;当父母淡忘自己生日的时候, 及时献上一份小小的心愿,摆一桌丰盛的生日晚餐,送上一 句诚挚的祝福。 除此之外, 我们更应该虚心好学, 勤奋上进, 以优秀的成绩搏得父母的欢心,以高尚的品质减少父母的担 心,以健康的体魄赢得父母的放心。 “树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不在” 。是啊,趁父母 健在的时候多尽一点孝道,多尽一点义务和责任,让自己不 要留下遗憾,一点永远无法挽回的遗憾。 用一颗感恩的心回报自己的父母,这是一份不可推卸的 责任,这是一份神圣的使命。让我们学会分担,学会感恩。 感恩父母,从我做起,从一点一滴做起,从现在做起, 行动吧!亲爱的同学们! We can live in this beautiful, wonderful world, because our parents raised us. They taught us the life every one of the first, is the first step they taught us to walk, is they taught us that the first sentence, is they taught us to recognize the first word... If without our dear parents, there is no us. One time, I got acute disease, just the heavy rain that day, mom and dad are very worried, they take me to the hospital together, dad behind my back that day, mother behind his umbrella to us, because it was late, we only have to walk to the hospital, the mother to the hospital to register, with my dad, waiting for the doctor to see a doctor for me, that we always stay up till midnight, see I dont have anything, mom and dad with a smile, but my tears blurred my eyes. So I told mom and dad said: "I will study hard repay you later." They said: "as long as you are healthy and happy, good performance, is the best for us in return." I nodded solemnly. From then on, I told myself I must good good study, dont let parents worry about, because I want to use results to repay their parents. I am very grateful to my parents, I want to learn to be grateful. Have words to say well "who made the heart inch grass, at a three chunhui". Therefore, in order to repay hard raising my parents, I must study hard now, when I grow up, find a good job, let parents abetted. Parents paid for me, I will thank you ten times, one hundred times, return them, let them give valuable. 我们能生活在这美好、精彩的世界上,是因为我们的父 母养育了我们。他们教会了我们人生中的每一个第一,是他 们教会了我们走第一步,是他们教会了我们说第一句话,是 他们教会了我们认第一个字……如果没有我们亲爱的父母, 就没有我们。 有一次,我得了急病,那天正好下着大雨,爸爸妈妈都 很着急,他们就一起送我到医院,那天爸爸背着我,妈妈在 后面给我们打着伞, 由于已经很晚了, 我们只有步行到医院, 到了医院妈妈去挂号,爸爸陪我一起等着医生为我看病,那 天我们一直熬到半夜,看到我没有什么事情,爸爸妈妈都露 出了笑容, 可是我的泪水却模糊了我的眼睛。于是我对爸 爸妈妈说: “我以后一定会好好学习报答你们的。 ”他们说: “只要你健康快乐,成绩好,就是对我们最好的回报。 ”我 郑重地点了点头。 从那以后,我对自己说我一定要好好学 习,不让父母操心,因为我要用成绩来报答父母。 我很感谢我的父母, 我要学会感恩。 有一句话说得好 “谁 言寸草心,报得三春晖” 。因此,为了报答辛苦养育我的父 母,我现在一定要好好学习,长大后,找一个好的工作,让 父母安享晚年。父母为我付出的,我将十倍、百倍的感谢、 回报他们,让他们的付出有价值。 In our life, there are many worthy of thanks to the people and things, thoughtful parents, described the teachers, classmates, morning and night get along with happy and happy life... Sometimes, even if is a failure, a little frustration, a criticism, also give us the upward momentum, also let us to be grateful. It is, however, I would like to thank the considerate parents. The word "thoughtful", in the parents just right, not letter, you to listen to me slowly: it was a season of summer, hot rolled YunShao quietly over, gentle and soft. That night, I am writing homework attentively. Suddenly in the sight of a dark, mother gave me lit a candle and force can be written, but I sweat from his forehead to tip. Mother saw me in this way, a little love dearly, so it gave me the fan to fan, although the wind is cold, but the heart is warm. After half an hour of struggling, I finished my homework, lying in bed ready to sleep, my mother was still in the fan. At this time, just come back from work my father said: "first you sleep, I come!" So my dad gave me the wind, the cool wind blow on my body already became a warm current, flow all over my body, accompany me to sleep. The love of parents is the worlds most selfless love, at the same time, it is the greatest love of all, we should learn to thank, thank you for the thoughtful parents, do a grateful man. Dont see because of the familiar eyes. 在我们的生活中,有许多值得感谢的人和事,体贴入微 的父母,循循善诱的老师,朝夕相处的同学,幸福愉快的生 活……有时,即使是一次失败,一点挫折,一次批评,也给 予我们向上的动力, 也让我们心存感激。 然而, 我要感谢的, 正是那体贴入微的父母。 “体贴入微”这个词,用在父母身上正合适,不信啊, 你就听我慢慢道来: 那是一季盛夏, 热风卷着云梢悄然飘过, 轻轻的,柔柔的。这天晚上,我正在聚精会神的写作业。突 然眼前一片漆黑,妈妈给我点了一支蜡烛,勉强可以写,但 是我的汗水却从前额流到鼻尖。 妈妈见我这样, 有点儿心疼, 于是,便拿了把扇子给我扇风,虽然风是凉的,但是心却是 暖的。经过半个小时的奋斗,我写完了作业,躺在床上准备 睡觉,妈妈还在扇着。这时,刚刚下班回来的爸爸说: “你 先睡,我来!”于是爸爸给我扇着风,这股凉风吹在我的身 上早已变成了暖流,流遍了我的全身,伴随我进入梦乡。 父母的爱是世界上最无私的爱,同时又是最伟大的爱, 我们要学会感谢,感谢那体贴入微的父母,做一个懂得感恩 的人。千万不要因为熟目而无睹。 更多热门文章分享阅读: 1.四年级感谢父母的英语作文 2.小学四年级关于感谢父母的英语作文 3.小学四年级感谢父母的英语作文 4.四年级关于春节的英语作文带翻译 5.四年级保护环境的英语作文 6.四年级关于新年的英语作文 7.spring festival 英语作文四年级 8.四年级描写春节的英语作文 9.四年级优秀英语作文 spring festival 10.my best friend 英语作文 50 字



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