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2020-10-28 13:10:01

In the year of 2005, perhaps no TV program has attracted so many youngsters eyes as the "Super girls" of Hunan TV and the words "PK" and "Suspended", though not coinages, have wedged into prevailing vocabulary overnight. Not with standing some critics consider the program as sheer commercial promotion, we can not deny the charm and power of the new idols like Li Yu chun, Zhou Bi chang and Zhang Liang ying, who used to be average girls like anyone else. These so called "Mass Idols" have inspired millions of youngsters to pursue their goals with confidence and perseverance they have never had before. "If you want to sing, just do it; and if you have a dream, just go ahead to realize it." Greatly influenced by the real cases, a growing number of youngsters believe that as long as they put endeavor to what they are doing, they will make it in the end. More meaningful than pure preaching, the new successful idols have demonstrated vivid examples for young people to imitate. Perhaps every person has got his or her idols in life and the power of an idol can be reasonably concluded as spiritual inspiration, vivid demonstration and concrete imitation. I quite approve of the practice in the newly edited English books for primary school students, in which the well adored idols like Yao Ming, Lin Xiang and Andy Lau have been listed as typical examples of great efforts and great achievements. In a word, the power of an idol will be eventually converted into the power of a young man in striking forward.



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