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2020-10-28 18:10:01

咳咳,这个真的是我自己写的,139个词。如果你觉得稍微长了点,就把第一段稍微删减一些。Never can an agreement be made especially on issues like where to work. Some people stongly support that college students should work in rural place. Yet others believe that only in city can college students realize their aspiration.(如果想改的话,从第二句开始可以写成 some people believe that only in city can college students realize their aspiration while others hold a different point)As far as I am concerned, big cities, compared with rural places, provide students a brighter future.To begin with, college students can obtain more opportunities in cities. Bearing challenge and unexpected changes, city offer constructs people a stage full of various occupations. Students are able to struggle their future and ambition in city. Moreover, college students are able to broaden their horizen in city. Information and skill to fit in the society are especially valuable for students who have just graduated from universities. To sum up, city, rather than countryside, is the ideal choice for young and ambitious college students.



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