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2020-10-29 06:35:01

卧虎藏龙:Li Mu Bai wishes to no longer own an ancient and beautiful sword,it brings back to many bad memories,so he gives it to his friend Sir Te.That night someone brakes into their compound and steals the sword.What ensures is a breathtaking fight scene.The martial arts in this movie are wonderful,but the flying is purely incredible.Li Mu Bai and his friend Yu Shu Lien then try to get the sword back.The film then takes on some different sub plots,including a very bizarre but nice love story,so I wont reveil anymore of the story.Cue more breathtaking fight scenes,a very long but amazing flashback,scores aplenty to settle and some beautifully filmed scenes.Michelle Yeoh is as nice as ever.She is a wonderful actress and I greatly enjoy seeing her in all her movies.Ziyi Zhang Jen Yu is also a very beautiful and talented actress.The cinematography is wonderful.The flying in the fight scenes just amazed me and the bamboo tree scenes near the end are to beautiful for words.Only complaint,one of the special effects near the end of the movie looked rather cheesy.Wo Hu Cang Long is a medium paced martial arts film,combined with a touching romantic story,and a nice,if at times a little slow not a bad thing in this case,look at Chinese culture.Ultimately the film asks questions about life.I greatly enjoyed this film and would recommend it for both lovers of martial arts and romantic films.



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