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2020-10-30 12:10:01


人们如何度过空闲时间英语作文篇1 Treasure our colledge life

Campus life is as important as one of our body in our daily life, which we should learn to treasure ,especially the college life.

In our college life,we can take part in all kinds of activities held by various unions that can help widely broaden your sights to make you more informed.Besides rich and corlorful outdoor activities,you can also attend many acdemic speeches or the course you may be fond of as well ,in which you can not only learn something benefitial but also you can entertainment both your body and your heart. Moreover, if it is convenient ,you can travel for a vacation to have a relax after a busy college life.

Cherish your college life,you can benefit a lot from it.After all,life is not so long .

人们如何度过空闲时间英语作文篇2 Within my free time, I usually think that the way i use it is meaningless, because all I do is just play. So one day i tried to do something different, i tried to study, but it didnt work out like how I planned it, I was disstracted by the joyful laughing and the games that they played. However I think that maybe free time is to be meaningless, because it is for us to relax.

人们如何度过空闲时间英语作文篇3 I had never been busy in my university life. Other than baiduyixia to do my homework, I either play and enjoy or just sleep. Of course, sometimes, I could be busy. That was when I went dating a handsome schoolmate. Dating can make me busy for I had to prepare myself for the hot date. I wash and clean myself, powdered my whole body and spray perfume on my critical areas. I dress to kill before I went for my hot date. I am not goingto tell you how busy during the date. I dare to tell you, we were both very busy.


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  1. 2021-08-12 16:53一树梨花压海棠[山西省网友]IP:1729704855
  2. 2020-03-24 17:02dcfdgf[黑龙江省网友]IP:3394928305


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