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2020-10-31 07:55:01

1 Grandparents who step in for child care tend to use the same practices they did when they were parenting, but some of them may be outdated, putting their grandchildren at risk, according to a new study.

Research presented at the 2017 Pediatric Academics Societies meeting on Thursday surveyed grandparents on child care techniques, such as putting children on their backs to sleep, having loose bedding in a crib and using ice baths to lower a high fever.

As more grandparents are taking on child care roles, according to the US Census Bureau, many may feel that since they raised their own children to adulthood, their methods are safe. Dr. Andrew Adesman, chief of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Cohen Childrens Medical Center in New York and lead author of the study, says that is not always the case.

好词搭配 step in 介入 putting…at risk 对......不利 child care techniques 育儿技能 putting children on their backs to sleep 让孩子仰卧睡觉 lower a high fever 退烧 taking on child care roles 照顾小孩 raised their own children to adulthood 将自己的小孩抚养长大 that is not always the case 事实并非如此 论据分析 本片段一开始就提出新的调查研究结果-老一辈的育儿经验可能给孩子带来风险,随后第二自然段罗列出传统的带娃方式,比如让孩子平躺(为了睡出个漂亮的头型),使用松软的婴儿床用品,以及用泡冷水的方式给孩子退烧等。第三段先让步,说出许多长辈觉得过去的育儿方式是经过实践检验,亲测有效安全的。随后,作者抛出最新研究否认了这一说法。开篇的这3个自然段既清晰地给出全文的核心观点,同时也通过让步的方法温和地否定传统观念,引起读者的阅读兴趣。 (2)"We shouldnt assume that just because theyve raised a child before, theyre experts," 我们不能仅仅为因为他们之前带过孩子,就认为他们是这方面的专家。Adesman said. Studying the extent to which grandparents were subscribing to outdated parenting tactics, Adesman and his team learned that many myths were being held as truths. 通过研究爷爷奶奶育儿策略的过时程度,Adesman许多谣传都被当成了真理。

With new guidelines and suggestions released constantly, it can be hard for anyone to keep up. 随着新指导和建议不断给出,大家很难跟上节奏。The learning curve can be especially difficult for an older adult who isnt surrounded by and exchanging information with other caregivers. 对于老年人来说,如果不能时刻陪伴孩子且同其他照看者交流信息,学习曲线的形成是很困难的。

Having a grandparent as a primary caregiver or taking care of a child on workdays is some parents only option for child care.让爷爷奶奶在工作日照看孩子是许多工作族爸妈的唯一选择。Experienced caretakers can usually provide a safe environment, but to avoid unintentional injuries, grandparents and babysitters need to be just as educated when it comes to safety standards and first aid.有经验的看护者通常能提供一个安全的环境,从而避免不必要的生孩,家中长辈及保姆应当在安全标准和急救方面训练有素。

好词搭配 assume sth. just because… 仅仅因为…就认为… parenting tactics 策略 keep up 跟上节奏 earning curve 学习曲线 unintentional injuries 不必要的伤害 babysitters 保姆 first aid急救 论据分析 本片段中涉及大量可以作为论据的语料。当下确实存在一些窘境,比如工作族没时间带孩子,将孩子交给其他育儿机构,不但担心孩子得不到好的照顾而且也需要一笔不小的费用。这时,退休的爷爷奶奶外公外婆就可以通过照顾孙子孙女来打发时间。但老一辈的育儿经验很可能已经过时,甚至不够科学。 外媒简介 CNNCable News Network 美国有线电视网,通过卫星向有线电视网和卫星电视用户提供全天候的节目,总部设在美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大。面对突发的,CNN国际网都会作现场报导。全球超过二百一十个国家及地区均转播CNN的。



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