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我敬佩的明星 The Stars I Admire

2020-10-31 15:45:01

Recently, a popular singing star was criticized by the public, even the government online accounts criticized him publicly. It was the first time for the celebrity to get such infamous reputation in official websites, which meant the star would never have a chance to continue his career. The singing star became famous in a singing competition. People was surprised by his talent and he won a lot fans. But later, people found his work was full of the words of attacking female or asking children to have drugs. How terrible it was. Some people criticized his songs and more and more people realized the great negative sides his songs would bring to the children. The star I admire should be both excellent in works and personality. A star should have good works, no matter films or songs, which make them popular and the good character decides whether he deserves to be respected.最近,一位流行歌星受到了公众批评,甚至政府的网络账户也公开批评了他。这是第一次名人在官方网站上得到如此臭名昭著的名声,这意味着这位明星再也不会有机会继续他的生涯了。这位歌星是在歌唱比赛中出名的,大家都惊讶于他的才华,他也收获了许多粉丝。但是后来,人们发现他的作品充满了攻击女性的语言,或者教唆孩子们吸毒。这是多么可怕啊。有人批评他的歌曲也越来越多的人意识到其歌曲中给孩子带来的极大消极影响。我钦佩的明星应该是拥有优秀的作品和人格的。无论是电影还是歌曲,明星都应该要有好的作品,这才是他们受欢迎的原因,而良好的性格则决定了他是否值得尊重。 查看全文



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