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2020-10-31 21:00:01

您好:Music is the sublimation of life experience into a music combined with your life, you can actually write out a lot of thoughts and a lot of music inspiration from life is unconsciously became the music notes is actually very simple music that happiness and sadness any music is out of the love life of life will write music because it is a kind of attitude of life.The power of music, is often a person lying in bed, listening to music in the dark slowly falling asleep. At that time the music might have not something sacred, but became a tool. I put the music called the holy god, holy does not lie in its elegant, but that give people shock. That jumped out from the bottom of the can not understand the feeling, that kind of specious impulse of sadness and joy, that contains the perfect combination of masculine and feminine nature, that rebel is not a way to calm the great strength in a flash.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O∩ ∩O谢谢欢迎追问O∩ ∩O~祝学习进步~ 展开 + 收起



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