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2020-11-02 11:05:01



We are now live in the world where the fittest will survive. So it seems unlikely that we can avoid the stress form this competitive society. And stress like a double edged sword, which can be used by us, or hurt us. The appropriate stress can be the motivation for our success, while too much pressure can do great harm to our health and daily lives. If we cannot get rid of it, we must learn to deal with it.


First of all, we should have a right attitude to stress. It’s important for us to analysis the reasons that cause pressure. If we fear that we may not pass the examinations, then we should study harder, spend more time on the weak subjects, and ask teachers and friends for help. Then the stress on our shoulders can be relieved.

首先,我们应该用正确的态度对待 压力 。我们要学会分析产生压力的原因。如果是因为害怕考试不能通过,那么,我们就应该努力学习,花更多的时间在薄弱的科目上,向老师同学请教。这样,在我们肩上的压力就能够缓解了。

Second, we should have more confidence in ourselves. Sometimes, we lack of experience or our inner heart is not ripe enough, we just don’t know how to solve the problems, so the stress comes. We should say to ourselves that I love challenges and I am strong enough to face all of these. Failure does not mean I am a loser, it only makes me stronger.


Last but not least, we can turn to our friend to talk about our problems. They might give us some useful suggestions. Or we can simply have a short vocation; go to the place we love to relax ourselves.


In a word, the stress in our lives is inevitable. We should face it probably, have faith in ourselves and use practical ways to deal with it.


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