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2020-11-02 12:10:01

篇一 1.现代社会人们的压力与日俱增; 2.压力太大的危害; 3.减少压力的办法。 [写作导航]首先陈述随着现代生活节奏的加快,人们的压力也在增大,虽然适当的压力对人有好处,但压力太大就会产生副作用,从而影响工作、学习和健康,所以要学会减轻压力;第二段阐述减轻压力的办法,比如降低对自己的要求、接受现实、不要攀比,多与朋友沟通等;最后总结全文,提出希望。 [范文] As the pace of modern life continues to quicken, many people are in the habit of rushing through life. Some admit that stress seems to be on the increase all the time. A certain degree of stress is beneficial to us, but too much stress is certainly harmful, and sometimes may even harmful to our health and physique. So it is necessary to know how to reduce stress. 随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,许多人的一生都活在匆忙的习惯中。一些人承认压力似乎一直在增加。一定程度的压力对我们是有利的,但是过多的压力肯定是有害的,有时甚至可能损害我们的身体健康和体质。因此有必要知道如何减轻压力。 There are many ways that can help us solve this problem, but the following may be the most effective. First, learn to come to terms with yourselves. Dont set a goal that is too high because there are many things in this world that are beyond your reach. Learn to be content to go as far as you can. Second, learn to come to terms with the world around you. Dont try to change other people or other things. There are people and things in this world that you can do nothing about. So learn to accept them. Third, dont be too interested in material things and dont try to "keep up with the Joneses." Dont harbor any jealousy, vanity or resentment to others. Be satisfied with what you have. Finally, keep in touch with your friends. Talk with them, share with them your happiness and misery. This will help to make you feel better. 有很多方法可以帮助我们解决这个问题,但下面的可能是最有效的。第一,学习接受自己。不要设定太高的目标,因为在这个世界上有很多事情是超出你的能力范围的。学会尽量满足自己。第二,学习适应你周围的世界。不要试途去改变其他人或其他东西。这个世界上的有些人和有些事是你无法改变的。所以要学会接受他们。第三,不要过于关注物质的东西,不要试图攀比。“不要怀有任何嫉妒,虚荣,或者怨恨之心。满足于你所拥有的。最后,和你的朋友保持联系。与他们谈话,与他们分享你的快乐和痛苦。这将有助于使你感觉更好。 These are not necessarily the only ways to solve the problem, and it is my hope that everyone can reduce the too much stress in his work and study and live a relaxed happy life. 这些不一定是解决问题的途径,我希望每个人都可以在他的工作和学习上减轻过多的压力,活得更轻松。 篇二 As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important. Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we cant be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others help. 由于世界的高度发展,压力已经成为现今一个严重的问题。作为学生,我们也必须面对压力,比如学习压力,考试压力,关系压力等等。但是,怎样缓解压力呢?这是最重要的。 首先,我们应该正对面对压力。压力是我们日常生活中不可避免的,所以我们不能害怕她,要尽力去解决它们。其次,向别人倾诉压力。聊天是缓解压力的有效方式,在聊天过程中,我们可能会得到一些建议和解决方法。最后,要相信自己。我们应该相信自己我们可以通过自己或他人的帮助处理任何麻烦。




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