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只有当你赢的时候玩游戏才有趣 Playing a Game is Fun Only When You Win?

2020-11-02 19:15:01

Playing games is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. Each place has a number of popular games that are played all the time. Some people think that playing a game is fun only when you win, which I disagree. I held the view that “Friendship first, competition second”. And I think playing game in itself is full of fun, winning a game is just a pleasure extra.玩游戏是世界上最受欢迎的娱乐形式之一。每个地方有有很多一直受欢迎的常玩游戏。有的人认为只有当你获胜的时候玩游戏才有趣,我不同意这观点。我认为“友谊第一,比赛第二”。我认为玩游戏本身就充满乐趣,获胜只是另外的快乐。It’s impossible that one could win a game all the time when they first start playing it. In many cases, playing against the top players of a game and losing is an honor, not a disappointment. The valuable experience you get in the game is much more important than the result, which will help you greatly improve your skill in the future.当一个人刚开始玩游戏的时候,他不可能一直赢。很多时候,与一个游戏的顶级玩家对抗失败是一种荣耀热不是一种沮丧。你在比赛中获得的宝贵经验比比赛结果更重要,它会帮助你提高以后的技能。Practice is necessary to win a game. If this was really an annoying process, no one would ever play games. However, it is the journey of the game, not the destination that is important. Going through the actual game is the fun part; if one wins a game, that is an added bonus.实践对赢得比赛很重要。如果这真的是一个令人苦恼的过程,没有人会玩游戏。然而,重要的是游戏的过程而不是游戏的结果。体验真正的 游戏是有趣的部分,如果一个人获胜了,那是额外的奖励。Many people play games just for fun and relax. For them, the result seems not so importants. What really entertains them is the journey. If care too much about the result, you definitely lose fun.很多人玩游戏只是为了好玩和放松。对他们来说,结果似乎不那么重要。真正使他们快乐的是过程。如果太在意结果,你一定会失去乐趣。From what have been discussed above, I strongly support that games can be fun even if I am not the winner, and playing games is a fun process to go through.从以上的讨论来看,我强烈认为,即使我不是胜利者,游戏也可以有趣,玩游戏只是一个体验乐趣的过程。




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