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2020-11-03 20:30:02

您好流芯:Where does the konwledge come from? Confronted with the question, I can tell you so many ways to gain konwledge。Here,I sum up them as two is books,and the other is practice。When we were in our childhood,we had to learned and mastered words in order to read the books。The more words we mastered,the easily we can read a book。Reading a book is a very helpful way to teach by yourselves。A good book is similar to a dumb teacher who is patient enough to answer your questions whenever you need him。Reading a book efficiently means that you have the ability of learning well。At the meantime,only to gain konwledge from the book is not enough。As a vivid saying:"there is a long distance between theory and practice。"。 So we should try our best to apply what we have learned into practice and learn konwledge from the practise。Thats why Senior students have to take their internship。Some abstract concepts are hard to learn just through the books while it is easy to understand them well through the practise。There comes a conclusion can sum up two ways to gain konwledge and we should integrate them well。以上是个人的一些想法,如果需要更多私下联系,希望可以帮到您。



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