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英语作文 一个人或一件事改变了你的一生的80词

2020-11-03 23:45:02

The unforgetable thing of mine that change all my lifeEveryone has his unforgetable thing,friendship maybe is the most important thing in our life.Friendship is like the sun,brings us brightness.So if I own something,I will share with my friendship.One day,I bought a watch for my best friend.The watch is very beautiful,I liked it very much,I think friendship is the more important,so I give my watch to him.But I was very confused because without knowing the reasons,he broke it into pieces. I shouted to him,I dont want to see you any more.And he sat in school.Till the next day,on my desk I found a booknote in a notebook ,it said,sorry,we restart again and be more .A friend is like a star,he or she will by your side all the time,no matter how far it is,he or she will stare at you and bless for you,I wont forget him forever.



家庭分波作文 文学类作文 付出总会有回报作文 以满足为题写一篇作文 以波折为话题的作文 改变的作文素材 关于九月份的作文 难忘的那一刻作文350字 开学第一天作文600 小学三年级作文关爱 推荐一篇文章作文 传统文化的作文好标题 浮生若梦作文 黄冈优秀作文 运动员作文 茉莉作文 海滩之旅作文 我的朋友乐于助人作文 作文春游 观影感作文 军训团结作文 中考常考作文 她感动了我作文500字 六级作文要写题目吗 那件事感动了我作文 青春的味道作文800字 我敬佩的人500字作文 不虚此行作文 关于旅游的英语作文 写大自然的作文300字