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2020-11-05 10:20:01

内容提示给学生“减负”成了当前的热门话题。那么,你认为学生的负担重不重?重在哪里?过重的学业负担会造成什么样的后果?请你就这些问题,结合你自己的实际情况谈谈看法,并将你的看法写成一篇因果说明文。作文示范Workload Too DemandingWe are at senior high school. Every day, we have many exercises that we cant complete and many books that we cant finish reading. The teachers continually repeat the words that we are already able to recite.Teachers and students all work hard in order to improve the percentages① of those entering college. But the burden of work in class is so heavy that we have little time to do sports, which has left many of us in poor health. Whats worse, many students have lost interest in their studies altogether.It is known to all that good health is as important as knowledge. Virtues② such as bravery, discipline and love of our motherland cant be learned only in classes, but should also be learned through social practice. We should be given the time and opportunity to be exposed to society so we can learn what cant be taught from books.We are young and we have young hearts. We love study as well as amusements. We hope that the number of exercises class will be reduced so we can take part in more after class activities. In this way we will be able to learn much more and be more effective in our studies.(选自1997年1月8日《英文21世纪报》)词语解释①percentage[p+sentidN] n.百分数;百分率②virtue[v+:tju:]n.美德;道德写法指要本文第一段和第二段前半部分是摆学校课业负担重的事实,谈的是原因。从第二段后半部分开始分析负担过重带来的结果。作者分析了四种结果,即负担过重会影响身体健康(poor health),会使学生失去学习兴趣(lost interest),会使学生学不到社会公德(social virtues),还会使学生失去娱乐活动(amusements)的机会。所以,本文是一因多果说明文。



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