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2020-11-06 07:15:01

摘要:SAT写作部分,同学们想要写出优秀的作文,自然离不开范文的学习。但是在具体的复习中,哪些范文更值得大家背诵呢?其实大家可以多背诵一下历年考试的真题范文,这些对大家的实际备考更加有帮助。具体的这些真题范文都有哪些呢?下面小编为大家整理了详细的内容,供大家参考! Oprah Winfrey once said, Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from


Oprah Winfrey once said, Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. This profound saying emphasizes the importance of passion in life. Passion acts like rocket fuel that keeps us going, and fills our life with meaning and happiness. It also accelerates us to go through any difficulties, and drives us to accomplish anything we set our mind to. To experience a meaningful and successful life, being passionate in something is of much more significance.

By being passionate and establishing goals towards that end, people will be able to discover the true happiness. Florence Nightingale, the Mother of Modern Nursing, experienced her life and work to the fullest extent by discovering her passion for nursing and allowing it to lead her to do great work. Born in a rich and upper class family, Nightingale always suffered from depression and the feeling of unworthiness as the upper class, and attempted to discern the purpose of life at a young age. Defying her parents desire that she married into a socially prominent family, Nightingale wished for meaningful work and began to imagine herself caring for others. It was by the age of 25 that Nightingale found her true passion in nursing as the means to fulfill her goal. Despite the fact that nursing was an unpaid and unpromising career in Victoria London, Nightingale was passionate in helping the sick and making a change to their lives. During the Crimean War, Nightingale worked tirelessly to tend to the wounded British soldiers and was dubbed The Lady with the Lamp after her habit of making rounds at night. Because of her devotion and dedication, Nightingale successfully improved the plight of the wounded, reducing the mortality rate from 42.7% to 2.2%. On her return from the Crimea, Nightingale also devoted her fervent passion into developing nursing as an essential and educated component of healthcare. She established the Nightingale School in London, and published books such as Notes On Nursing which sparked the worldwide health care reform. It was her passion of helping and serving others as a nurse that propelled Nightingale to find the true meaning in life, and to obtain the deep and lasting happiness by making significant changes to nursing practice.

以上就是关于 2019年6月北美SAT作文范文 的内容,希望通过上述内容的学习,大家能够更好的掌握SAT写作高分的真谛,在接下来的考试中有更好的发挥,拿到写作的高分。



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