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厚大考研2018年作文预测 社会公德话题 扶不扶跌倒的老人

2020-11-07 03:20:02

Directions: Study the following cartoon carefully andwrite an essay of 160~200 words in which you should

1. describe the cartoonbriefly,

2. interpret thephenomenon reflected, and

3. give yourcomments.

Depicted in this thought provoking cartoon is a scenewhich may appear in our daily life. An aged man fell down there,pitifully and helplessly. Just when that happened , a passer by isabout to give assistance, with a hesitating thought perplexing him“to help or not to help is a question”. Interesting enough, the twodifferent hearts of “conscience” and “evading the troubles” makehim indecisive while facing thesituation.

The intended meaning of the drawer is to reveal the realmeaning of social morality be stressing the fact that givingothers’ the aid is always on the priority among others no matterwhat the situation is. From the legal aspect, it is the liabilityfor every citizen to help others when they may face the danger oflosing life or some other injuries. From the moral perspective,humans ought to have the virtue and morality to give a helpinghand, which differs us from other creatures in some sense, thoughwe may have the risk to bewronged.

As for me, a college student, I would like to stand outand give the help, with my phone camera videoing the whole process.For one thing, I can give the elder man instant help to save himfrom emergency. For another, with the proof in my mobile, I don’tneed to fear I will ask the unnecessary trouble for myself. What Ireally want to express is that we should have the basic morality togive help instead of turning a blind eyecold bloodily.



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