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2020-11-07 20:10:01

急啊!!!!!求一篇关于上学方式的英语作文.. because it is safer than bus...

上学方式我做主的作文 现代科技越来越发达,人们发明了火车、汽车、摩托车、自行车、飞机、船地铁等等便利人们快速到达某地的交通工具,我对班上的同学做了调查,调查他们是怎样上学的.因为时间关系,所以只调查了十八人 步行上学的同学:...

急求!!英语上学方式的作文 Nowadays, because of different family financial situation, my classmates of class 2, junior grade 2, No. 1 Beijing Middle School, choose different ways to go to school. I inquired into them about what means each of them always picked and come to ...

英语作文上学方式 The Way to SchoolI live near my school. So, I walk to school every day by myself. But some of my classmates have to take bus, by bike and so on. I am proud of myself at that time. Every morning, my mother wakes me up and then I wash my ...

上学方式英语作文 I live near my school. So I usually go to school on foot. I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body. Because I walk to school every day, I m stonger than before. Sometimes I go to school by bike because I m nearly late for school. But I don t...

英语作文请根据调查报告写一篇短文,谈谈班上同学是用什么方式上学的以及你所喜欢的上学方式,并简要说明理由.不少于60词Howdothestudentsinyourclassgotoschool?Hereisthesurveyresult:BybusBybik作业帮 How do the students in my class go to school?After completing a survey on all the fifty students,we have achieved the following results.Twenty students go to school by bus and...

七年级英语作文 写你同学们的上学方式,40字左右,谢 There are 30 students in my class.Some take a bus to school, because they are far from my school.Some walk to school ,because their home is near our school. Some like riding a bike to school, because riding a bike to school is good for their health...

急求!!英语上学方式的作文 , because of different family financial situation, my classmates of class 2, junior grade 2, No. 1 Beijing Middle School, choose different ways to go to school. I inquired into them about what means each of them always picked and come to the following...

初中七下的英语上学方式的作文50字 there are 30 students in my class.some take a bus to school, because they are far from my school.some walk to school ,because their home is near our school. some like riding a bike to school, because riding a bike to school is good for their health, ...

关于上学方式的英语作文30个单词到50个单词 l live never my school. so i usually go to school on foot. i think waking to schppl is a good way to exercise boday.

显示评论内容(3) 收起评论内容
  1. 2022-12-31 07:08逗牛食[山西省网友]IP:1960147849
  2. 2021-08-08 05:20泽宇[新疆网友]IP:3412380481
  3. 2020-03-16 03:32泪!填满中秋的月[贵州省网友]IP:1860643473


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