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2020-11-08 01:40:01


围绕这个写:我认为 是 人生中最重要的品质选择其中两个,例如宽容 的forgirveness决心determination无私selflessness 善良kingness信心confidence野心ambition乐观optimism谦虚modesty第一段i believe ambition is one of the vital virtues~~~

第2段 firstly,the nest, the last

最后in a word, to sum up,in my opinion, therefore~~

Over the years, there have been numerous discussions about what are the best important elements in personal quality. While people seem to agree that forgiveness, determination, and selflessness are the most important factors, others tend to believe that kindness, confidence, ambition, optimism, and modesty contribute have more effects on human life. As for me, I believe that ambition and determination can make more impact on our future opportunity for three key reasons.

Firstly, ambition leads the most motivation that is the main force to succeed. As we look around, it is easy to see that almost all political leaders possess ambition. The next, determination is to work consistently and demandingly. Some political leaders can persuade citizens to follow them because they work as they have said. Without determination, no citizen will follow and support them. The last, one must constitue both ambition and determination in order to reach a qulaity life. Only ambition can‘t prove his great personality, and the same as determination that can‘t guarantee his character for big success.

Of course, some people will consider other factors as the most important factors in high quality. In my opinion, I am convinced that ambition and determination are the most vital virtues for a bright future.



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