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把关于年兽的故事翻译成英文注意!是整个故事都翻成英文!不是把标? 爱问知识人

2020-11-08 02:45:01

Once upon a time, there was a monster name is years, its head with long horns and very powerful。 At ordinary times, nien will climb out from under the sea, eat chicken pig, cattle and sheep。Once, the common people know the nien beast coming, with cattle into the mountain to avoid it。 With time, a white beard grandpa, an old woman advised white beard grandpa quickly hide。 White beard grandpa said, I live here, not afraid of the nien beast and will only grown beast be afraid of me。Old woman and people in the village all hide in the mountains, white beard old grandpa left in the old womans house。 Evening, nien broke into the village, first came to the wife husbands family。 It sees the old woman door affixed with red paper, the body shaking up, nien spirit call 1, toward the yard blunt past ?。



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