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2020-11-09 21:25:01

life is like tea general, and only after the water the food and clothing, can show it the essence of life; life is like bitter coffee general, and only after many bitter, can develop a taste it simple fragrance; life is just like the eagle general, and only after numerous fall, to practice hard across the wings dare...after the fire, the baked smoldering form of trunk to be forestry experts to "the death penalty, but to, the second year come spring, all of the trunk and all but they new bud, the ashes of cremation, became the new breeds of fertilizer. with setbacks, will be desperate to see in hope, so, to have the life.between trance, i saw the familiar names. that is a great poet song dynasty su shi. officials in the bianzhi again, with his family separations had only on to drink, but did not forget to "i wish people for a long time, miles of cicada juan" blessing. the ensuing trials to make su dongpo infinite sour taste, in his bianguan tuanlian ode to the mutual activities, you cliff again as strong, leaving "dajiang east to go to" of pride, "its dust oars ash" open minded. if not at the beginning of bianzhi, no original departure, and which have a catchy lines today?"people than yellow flower thin" li qingzhao, bumpy life let a person gasp in admiration. in his later years continuous wars, the husband died, calligraphy and painting property is sweeping out and fell into a deep poverty. just has that "much transformed everything sue, desire language first tears flow" sad. visible, we need the setback, with it, is a popular song was beautiful.setbacks often happened in my side, an examination of the loss is the most common case. with a sharply setbacks, in a struggle and hard, just had one of the top success. in the race before the celebrity, the frustration i regrouped, energetic, i firmly believe that the sunshine after the rain, the next race will have my name.setbacks will grow up together, but "pain is the prelude of success". meet suffering are necessary, do not experience the storm how to see rainbow, no one can casually succeed亲,满意请光速采纳~



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