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2020-11-10 18:10:01



Today was Sunday, I was so happy because our family had a big meeting, we went to the park to have the barbecue. We called our relatives to join us, it was such a great party. As the family members haven t got together for a long time, so my father decided to get everybody united. In the park, I played with my cousins, we were taking a visit of the park while the parents were doing the barbecue. When my counsins and I played so tiredly, we went to join the grow ups activities. The fathers were talking about the business stuff, while the mothers were talking about the children and their daily life. Our family was so harmonious, we shared the things together and helped each other. I like this activity so much, I wish my families can have more time to be together.



Now we can finally barbecue, I with the speed of the unexpected took a chicken leg on a strong the barbed wire, sometimes search, sometimes with a little sweet catsup, and sometimes add some chili powder, slowly, bouquet, you can t help speaking well: delicious! One side of MaZhiYuan more worried, can say like an ant on a hot pan round, but a watched pot never boils, not roast too focal it, is bloody and not familiar, spirit he keep stamp foot. Almost out of wood, this do? Don t know who said a voice, little devil ShiZhen far then turned into plan , the MaZhiYuan just fall on the ground in the mutton string baked in the fire, mutton string a run into hot carbon, horse cracking burning up, joy child out is to plug into the mouth of mutton string drop in fire and laughed all mouths. Yuan is a see chicken leg, a drink and eat trying, return in mouth phrase in: good! Yum! There is the delicious food, but very beautiful world enjoy also! Words made everyone laugh, laughter echoed in the barbecue over.


When I was a child, I once went camping with my family in the summer. We decided to make a barbecue in the valley. So we collected some tree sticks to make a fire. My father asked me if I could try to make a fire.

I was glad to take the job. Then I tried to set fire to the wood with a match, but produced only smoke. Then my father said, That s not the right way. I ll show you how to do it. First use the small pieces of wood because they catch fire easily. Then put the larger ones on top of them. My father helped me make a big fire.


One day,ourteacher said our class want to organize a picnic activities will enable students to their own portfolios, and division of labor and materials to the school tomorrow to take a good picnic. Xu had hardly faded from the teacher, the students cried out in excitement at up immediately after class to find a crew, and to the division of labor has started at noon.

The next day, an early self study, we came to a vast picnic sites, began to fire. This fire is not an easy task ah, believe the fire goes out, I used a long time, only then lit charcoal inside the oven. In accordance with the division of labor, I am dedicated barbecue, because I have baked several times and experienced.

Barbecue is a living piece of work, you have to be patient feeding in the side, flip, but also at the furnace, the furnace is large you repeat it a short time, we must turn over, the furnace hour period of time you have to more than Zaifan. Guolehaojiu that I burned the first batch of food to eat after the crew was well received.

I have barbecue, other students did not idle, They are either in the cooking, or else the meat and sausages in the wear, we have done in full swing. Through our over the pages of processing, raw lettuce have become a dish hot dishes, and we took them to other dishes to taste the teacher, hoping to get their praise until after the end of cooking, might even get a prize Mile!

One morning, we have burned a lot of vegetables, baked a lot of barbecue. While some can not eat, but we are still happy, because this is the outcome of our labor.

This activity was great fun, and it has not only brought us joy, but also gives us an opportunity to experience life.



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