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2020-11-10 23:05:01


Children inherit their taste for meat and fish but when it comes to vegetables and desserts it s more nurture than nature, according to a study. Scientists who compared the food preferences of identi...()

Depachika A window on Japan’s food culture Department store food floors are a fun and relatively cheap way to experience Japan’s food culture, and foreign ones as well Depachika is short f...()

饮用酒的小常识和与食物搭配的规则. * White wine with fish and red wine with meat is more customary than culinary 习惯上来讲,白葡萄酒和鱼,红酒和红肉,而烹饪上并无此限制. *Red wines are served at ...()

ARIES Mar. 21 April 20Aries individuals will be starving when they arrive at your door because their forceful, fiery nature burns through food at a rapid rate. These Rams are remarkably gregarious ...()

Aries starts eating before everyone else has been seated. 大家都还没有就座,白羊座就已经开始吃上了。 Taurus accepts only the finest pieces of white meat. 金牛座只吃最好的那几片鸡胸肉。 Gemini grabs bo...()



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