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如果有一场神奇的价值拍卖会 auction 你可以拍下你最想要的东西 你会为什么而举牌

2020-11-11 07:30:01

答案Different people may bid for different things. As for me, I want dream, friendship and an admission notice to a famous university most. Dreams would be on the top of my list. Only by pursuing our dreams can we enjoy a meaningful and fulfilled life. Money can buy a comfortable life , but without dreams, even a millionaire would find his life boring.A person without friends can never be happy. Our life is full of joys and sorrows, which we need people to share with. Faced with difficulties, we need friends to give us comfort and help. Just as a saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friendship ca help us through ups and downs of life, so friendship would be in my list as well.

解析试题分析:本题为材料作文,但内容很新颖,其实就是再考查你什么下面的几个方面哪个更重要,题目的设题方式很有趣。对于选择的对象可谓智者见智,仁者见仁,只要思想健康进步,说明理由,详略得当既可。比如你开篇可以选择friendship,起到开门见山的作用,然后用详细的篇幅写出原因即可。亮点说明所给范文达到了高考作文的复杂句型结构的要求,在文中起到了画龙点晴的作用,使文章有气势,例如Only by pursuing our dreams can we enjoy a meaningful and fulfilled life.正解且恰到好处的用到了倒装。同时也使用上了大家耳熟能详的谚语,使文章增色不少,例如:“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”考点考查学生语言的综合运用能力

如果有一场神奇的价值拍卖会 auction 你可以拍下你最想要的东西 你会为什么而举牌?请在以下的竞拍内容中 选出你最想得到的三样东西 并阐明你选择的理由。竞拍内容:爱心 梦想 名牌大学录取通知书admission notice 聪明 快乐 诚信 自由 权利 友情 金钱等。100字左右 不含开头语。Different people may bid for diff...



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