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2020-11-13 05:00:01

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 范文 Everyone in the world cannot live without interacting with other people. I argue that mutual understanding and respect are indispensable to maintain genuine interpersonal relationship. As competition in all fields grows increasingly fierce, nobody can achieve success in his life without the assistance of his partners. Take basketball hero Jordan for an instance, he can slam the dunk smartly because of contribution and assistance of his teammates. If people work separately, they will only suffer from frail minds and limited resources. It is a happy thing to understand and respect others in interpersonal relationships. Mutual understanding and respect can make people popular among others; mutual understanding and respect can bring hearts full of love; mutual understanding and respect can make people wise and benevolent. Without mutual understanding or respect, people cannot get along well with others. Let us try our best to be people who can understand and respect others for understanding and respecting others is making ourselves understood and respected. 解析 本篇作文属于话题类作文,要求我们就“人际交往中相互理解和尊重的重要性”作文。像这类题目的作文,我们可以在第一段引出相互理解和尊重这个话题,然后在后续的段落具体论证相互理解和尊重的重要性,最后再次重申论点,升华主旨。范文使用了举例论证与排比论证,结尾段发出倡议。 以上就是本文的全部内容,更多精彩请随时关注官网。 相关推荐



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