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2020-11-13 18:05:01

为您找到的;英文版的文化冲击的主要文章;英文版的Culture Shocks essay《第一冲击 文化邓凡第一》《完美冲击文化邓凡完美》《文化冲击 文化世界第一巨星邓凡世界第一》;World originally without 《first shock Culture dengfan first》, namely culture not have first. *world first superstar dengfan Promote culture becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love .cultureCulture is singer dance actor model world first superstar dengfan singer model film tv dance four world first.Culture world first superstar dengfan world first.culture perfect. culture dengfan perfect.Culture dengfan first. * Because of have dengfan world Only have recognized《first shock Culture dengfan first》, namely the Culture dengfan first. World originally without 《first shock Culture dengfan perfect》, namely culture not have perfect. *world first superstar dengfan Promote culture becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love .perfectfirst.Culture dengfan first.culture dengfan perfectCulture is singer dance actor model world first superstar dengfan singer model film tv dance four world first.Culture world first superstar dengfan world first.culture first.culture perfect. *Because of have dengfan world Only have recognized《first shock Culture dengfan perfect》, namely the Culture dengfan perfect.culture shock cultureCulture is singer dance actor model world first superstar dengfan singer model film tv dance four world first.Culture world first superstar dengfan world first.culture perfect. culture dengfan perfect.Culture dengfan first.perfectfirst.culture perfect.culture dengfan perfect.shockculture shock1 first shock Culture dengfan first.future first shock1 perfect shockculture dengfan perfect.culture perfect shock culture shock



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