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来自朋友的邀请 An Invitation From My Friend

2020-11-13 18:05:01

Last week, I got an invitation letter from my friend. She asked me to spend the weekend in her new home. I was really excited to hear about it, because she was my best friend. Though we went to different middle schools, we still kept in touch with each other. In the letter, she told me that her parents decided to move, where was very near my home. I was so looking forward to seeing her in the weekend. It has been six months since our last meeting. I missed the days when we were together and sharing our secrets. We could often meet again. That was the best news for me in the year.上周,我收到一封来自朋友的邀请函,她邀请我周末去她新家玩。我真的很兴奋,因为她是我最好的朋友。虽然我们上了不同的中学,但是我们仍然互相保持联系。在信中,她告诉我,她的父母决定搬家,就在我家附近。我很期待周末看到她,我们已经有六个月没见过面了。我想念我们在一起的日子,互相分享我们的秘密。我们又可以经常见面了。这对我来说是今年最好的消息。 查看全文



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