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2020-11-14 00:10:01



A leaf, a drop of rain, a bird, a clump of reeds in the wind...... Are so touching, aftertaste. Yes, the beauty of nature is often reflected in the moment that smart. Flying and you see, autumn leaves like a butterfly, dancing in the air, sometimes falling, sometimes competing gradually play...... At the last moment of life with their own interpretation of the beautiful. When the leaves may drop to the ground, is so quiet, so quiet. The fallen leaves, so beautiful! Almost perfect arc

You see, it looks like the quiet of the night sky, a meteor across the night sky. The beautiful is always fleeting meteor, people say, is the tears of the moon, when the moon is lonely, hide secretly leave in a corner of the tears. When her tears in the earth, they become meteors, people bring infinite hope. Perhaps, the meteor was so beautiful, because it is transient. The meteor, so beautiful! The leaves are the time of the witness, a meteor represents the end of the story, but life is not, in the short life, we need to unremittingly, exhausted all his strength, to create the light of life.


Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye.A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful.A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful.A splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful.Beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind.The virtue of the Chinese nation industry and bravery are taken as beautiful,because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world.Einstein s theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful,for it explains many natural phenomena so perfectly.Beauty is around us.If you keep an eye or pay some attention,it is never difficult to find something beautiful somewhere about you.Wonderful natural spots,historical relics,fine arts,splendid buildings,and kind people are just a few inches away.


Last year, I watched the most beautiful movie of my life at an IMAX theater in Beijing. On the giant screen in front of me, a true story from history and amazing filmmaking came together to give me a very meaningful experience.

The movie was Dunkirk, and the story that happened on the screen was one of heroism and the sad reality during WWII. As I watched the movie, it was as if I were experiencing the same victories and setbacks right from my seat in the theater.

From the touching musical score and impressive images seen on the screen, to the heartache and pride felt by the soldiers, this movie left me a beautiful memory that I will never forget.



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