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英语作文套路 四六级 考研都用得上 让你的作文提高一个等级

2020-11-14 07:55:01


第一部分 开头套路

1. 图画描述型

① The picture displays a very special scene: ______. ② Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking: _______.

第① 句可以替换成:

1. As is humorously/vividly/clearly/subtly depicted/described/portrayed/illustrated in the picture/drawing/cartoon, ______________. ( 句子)

2. From the picture, a seemingly superficial phenomenon is presented:____________. ( 句子)

第② 句可以替换成:

1. What the picture is trying to present is that _____( 句子).

2. What does the cartoonist want to tell us? Actually, this drawing shows us a social phenomenon that______________( 句子).


① It is often said that: _________( 重述名言). ② Simple as the remark may sound, it intends to tell us that ________( 解释含义).

第二部分 中间段套路

1. 现象解释型

There are mainly two factors contributing to this social phenomenon / my preference/ the correctness of this principle.

To begin with, _______.

Moreover, ________.

2. 正反观点型

There is much controversy over _______( 议题).

Some people argue that _______.

Nevertheless, other people adopt a completely different view. They believe that ______.

3. 问题解决型

To ______, in my mind, it calls for the efforts from all sides.

From my perspective, ______.

In the meantime, _____.


1. To ______, in my mind, there are at least two approaches.

2. Urgent measures are needed to ________.

3. The following ways can be adopted to ________.

To 后面填上动词+名词组合

推动/抑制社会现象: advocate/curb the social phenomenon

解决问题: address the issue

第三部分 结尾套路


Taking into account all the above factors, I personally maintain that _______( 总结). Immediate ways for solving the problems/advocating the phenomenon remain elusive. However, public recognition of the necessity will represent the first step in finding effective measures.

2.折中类型 :

To sum up, _________. In face of this phenomenon, we should be prudent. Given the levels of intelligence and discretion imbued in people, I am sure that most of them will be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks, while taking advantage of all its merits.

3. 一般论述型

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

4. 直接结论型

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.

第四部分 换词套路




形容词 短语

very important 非常重要的 of great importance

very difficult 非常困难的 of great difficulty

very difficult 非常困难的 of great difficulty

very beautiful 非常美丽的 of great beauty

very useful 非常有用的 of great use

very helpful 非常有帮助的 of great help

very harmful 非常有害的 of great harm

very valuable 非常有价值的 of great value

very significant 至关重要的 of great significance

very necessary 非常必要的 of great necessity



动词 动词短语

stand 承受 put up with

consider 考虑 take...into consideration/account

exist 存在 come into existence/being

like 喜欢 be fond of, take delight in

support支持 be in favor of, approve of

think 想,认为 harbor the idea that, hold the view that

explain 解释 account for

agree 同意,赞成 approve of

conclude 得出结论 come to/draw a conclusion

remember 记住 bear/keep in mind

cause 引起 bring about

raise 提出 bring/put up, set forth

absorb采纳,吸收 take in

cancel 取消 call off

eliminate 取消 completely get rid of

help 帮助 give a hand

delay 耽误,耽搁 hold off

emphasize 重视 attach great importance to

replace 代替 take the place of

use 使用 make use of, take advantage of

know 知道 be aware of



good 好的 superb, brilliant, outstanding, awesome

bad 坏的 adverse, evil, terrible, horrible

old 老的 old-fashioned, outdated, antiquated, archaic

strange 陌生的 eccentric, peculiar, odd, weird

forever 永远 for good, perpetually

different 不同的 unique, distinctive, dissimilar

do 做 conduct, carry out, execute

see 看见 witness, observe, spot, glimpse

increase 增加,提高 soar, escalate, double/triple

walk 走 wander, stride, sneak, creep

learn 学习 acquire, review, master

get 取得 obtain, attain

help 帮助 assist, aid

mean 意思是 suggest, indicate, imply, symbolize

picture 图画 drawing, painting, cartoon

big 大的 immense, enormous, tremendous

cause 引起 give rise to, trigger, result in, arouse

make 做 produce, create, develop

rich 丰富的 wealthy, affluent, ample

cheap 便宜的 economical, inexpensive, affordable

common 普遍的 widespread, prevalent

change 改变 transform, alter, modify

people 人 individuals, adolescents, adults

famous 著名的 renowned, celebrated, distinguished, prominent

think 想 suppose, claim, maintain, presume, assume

keep 保存 preserve, conserve

break 破坏 undermine, jeopardize, devastate


若还有任何问题,可写在 评论,留言,我争取完善此篇 套路。最后,祝各位小朋友们四六级考试顺利!



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