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2020-11-15 01:00:01

英语写作解析lesson 6:”the same products” topic


Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?




(1)Introduction: 人们可以在世界任何地方购买类似的商品,这使各国变得相似.

(2)Paragraph 1: 在世界任何地方购买同样的产品所产生的负面影响。

(3)Paragraph 2: 但是,从此衍生出的国际相似性也是一个积极的发展迹象。

(4)Conclusion: 总之,在我看来,国家变得相似总体上是一个积极的趋势,尽管它有一些负面影响。


(1)Nowadays, thanks to the advent of international trade, people are able to buy similar items in any part of the world, and this make countries become alike. Although there are some drawbacks of this trend, I believe that there are more benefits to be gained.


(2)On the one hand, the most noticeably negative impact of the availability of the same international products on one country can be the loss of its national identity. Firstly, people are now able to buy clothes made by foreign companies, and this may lead to the fact that traditional costume may not be worn anymore. As a result, many cultural aspects are likely to disappear because clothing is usually considered to be part of a culture. Secondly, fastfood brands like KFC or McDonald have been becoming popular in many nations owing to their convenience and novelty. Consequently, national cuisine, which is a cultural value, is likely to be negatively affected.


(3)Despite the negatives mentioned above, I would argue that international similarity is a positive development for some reasons. One reason is that this process helps poor countries become richer. Thanks to international trade and Free Trade Agreements, developing nations can export their products to advanced markets such as Europe or the US, enabling them to increase their national income. Another reason is that globalization could promotes equality all over the world, especially gender equality. For example, international schooling programs broadcast on televisions may encourage parents to give equal educational opportunities for their sons and daughters.


(4)In conclusion, it seems to me that nations becoming similar is a positive trend overall, though there are some negative effects.






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