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2020-11-15 02:35:01


Should People Choose to Become Indoorsy in Modern World?

Realize it or not, a topic under debate has given rise to the striking public attention—Should people choose to become indoorsy in modern world?It is a fact universally acknowledged that people in growing number are reluctant to go outsidein this modern world when their requires can be satisfied through the internet. Where the topic is concerned, I do reckon that though we can get a great deal of convenience by using the internet, people should not become indoorsy in modern world.不管你意识到与否,一个主题辩论引发了引人注目的公共关注——人们是否应该选择成为现代世界宅人?这是一个举世公认的事实,生活在这个现代世界,越来越多的人不愿意走出家门,当他们的需要可以通过互联网得到满足。说到这个话题,我认为尽管我们可以通过互联网获得很多便利,但我们还是不应该每天宅在家里。

First, having indoorsy lifestyle will make people become self-centered and naive. We hold the truth to be self-evident thatif people stay at home for a long time, we will have little interpersonal contact with others. As a result of this choice, we may become extremely shy and uncomfortable when they are engaging in real-life communication. Second, living the indoorsy life will have a bad effect on their normal interpersonal relationship and normal work. It is inevitable that our relationship with our friends will become considerably cooler. As a consequence, our personal growth and maturity can not get a good development. Third, leading a indoorsy life will render our health get worse.There is no doubt that sitting in front of a computer and watching the computer screen for a long time will do great harm to our eyes and bodies.首先,宅在家里的生活方式会使人变得以自我为中心和天真。我们认为事实是不言而喻的,如果人们呆在家里很长一段时间,我们将很少与他人进行人际交往。因此,当他们在现实生活中进行交流时,我们可能会变得非常害羞和不舒服。



Based upon the full analysis above, it is quite natural to come to a sound conclusion—living indoorsy life does more harm than good to our physical and mental well-being. In the last analysis,the time has come to back to the normal life and our health before anything else.基于以上的充分分析,我们可以得出一个合理的结论——宅在家里的生活对我们的身心健康弊大于利。归根到底,恢复正常生活和健康的时刻已经到来。





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