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英语/雅思写作中 除了not 你还会其他否定表达吗?

2020-11-15 03:50:01



例如:She is not happy. 我们只知道她是不开心的。但不开心到什么程度呢?如果说She is depressed. 那么语义就显得更明确了。

又如:The playground is not small. 不如用 “The playground is as large as ten basketball courts. ”来得更直观明确。


The environment we are living in is not as good as before.

The environment we are living in has deteriorated.

They didn’tspend much time together, so at last they got divorced.

Failure tospend much time together led to their final divorce.





1. 掌握反义词,如例子中的happy – depressed, small – large。

例:He didn’talways win the arguments, but he was often right.

He sometimes lostthe arguments, but he was often right.

2. 掌握带否定前缀的词,如unable, unimportant, degenerate, disillusioned, irregular等。

例:What he said was not relatedto what he did.

What he said was unrelatedto what he did.

If we can’trecognize the English names for some food, we will meet some trouble in America.

Inability torecognize the English names for some food will cause us some trouble in America.

3. 掌握含有否定意义的动词及动词词组,如fail, miss, lose, avoid, deny, deprive, lack, fall short of。

例:The woman didn’t allowher ex-husband to get close to her son.

The woman deniedher ex-husband access to her son.

If you accept homeschooling, you will not havethe opportunity to mix with your peers.

If you accept homeschooling, you will miss out on / be deprived ofthe opportunity to mix with your peers.

He would fire the employees who didn’t reachhis high standards.

He would fire the employees who fell short ofhis high standards.

4. 记住常用的含否定含义的介词及其他词组,如without, beyond, above, far from, free from, more than(不仅仅), instead of, rather than。

例:If children are not supervised by their parents, they may be indulged in using electronic products.

Without parental supervision, children may be indulged in using electronic products.

Because there are too many new words, the children cannot understand the article.

Due to too many new words, the article is beyond / above the children’s understanding.

Your suggestion is notfeasible at all.

Your suggestion is far fromfeasible.

Prison is not justa punishment machine.

Prison is more thana punishment machine.



To reduce children’s leisure time is not a correct way.Punishment aims to make them not make the same mistakes again.答案可以留言或私信哦。



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